(Statement via Emergency Management Agency– The Disaster Recovery Coalition of Clinton County, Iowa continues to respond to the immediate and…
We’re Back…on AM!
KROS installed a temporary AM antenna on Sunday that allows KROS to return to the air waves after the devastating…
Here’s some of the latest storm related items concerning special services
The mobile community resource center at Clinton Park (across from Central Fire Station, 344 3rd Avenue South) will be open…
Obviously a Major Malfunction
The 400 foot KROS Radio tower was blown down in the wind storm on Monday knocking us off the air…
Coronavirus Cases Increasing
Clinton County Public Health Manager Michelle Cullen provided a weekly update to the Clinton County Board on the coronavirus situation…
Camanche Schools’ Return To Learn Plan
Camanche School Superintendent Tom Parker discusses the district’s plan to start classes during the COVID19 Pandemic or listen or download…
Tentative Schedule of Governmental Meetings This Week
Many of the governmental meetings remain available thru an electronic access. Check the agendas for specific meetings for ways to…
Polling Site Announced for Camanche School Bond Issue; Absentee Voting Begins
(see full statement from the Clinton County Elections Office)– The polling location for the September 8, 2020, Camanche Community School…