Over the weekend, several counterfeit bills were passed to Clinton area businesses. Clinton Police took reports for 6 $100 bills, 1 $10 bill and 1 $20 bill. All the bills were discovered when the business made their daily deposit at their bank. ‘Read more’ for tips from the CPD.
Businesses can protect themselves from this type of crime by educating themselves and their employees who handle money in the detection of counterfeit bills. Here are a few easy tips on counterfeit bill detection:
- Look at the bill. Does it look right? Does it have the correct color and feel.
- Does the bill contain Chinese writing or writing that says for movie production use only? If so, it’s a fake.
- Does the bill contain the security strip? The strip can be felt with your fingers or observed when held up to a light.
- Use a counterfeit detection pen, easily obtained from an office supply store or on-line.
- Learn more at https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/currency_12597.htm
If you do find yourself being given a bill that you feel is counterfeit, follow these steps:
- Do not put yourself in harms way
- Politely refuse to accept the bill. Contact a supervisor if your are unsure or apprehensive about confronting the passer.
- If the bill was accepted, immediately note the passers description, attempt to get a vehicle description, then call your local police department.