(official city statements) – Public Works would like thank residents for continuing to place tree debris near the curb for pickup. When possible, Public Works would request that residents cut debris to 4 to 8-foot sections to allow for the end loaders to easily grab and load the debris.
Public Works debris removal crews will be working in the neighborhoods of the solid waste routes scheduled each day. For example, if your garbage is picked up on a Tuesday, the debris removal crew will be in your neighborhood on Tuesday. Residents are asked to kindly follow calendar parking (this week is parking on the odd side of the street) to ensure crews can access debris.
Residents are reminded that if a tree or tree debris is on their private property, including on any structure on their property (home, garage, building), it is the homeowner’s responsibility to arrange for clean-up and removal as well as any needed repairs. Residents should contact their insurance agent and a contractor of their choosing.
The City of Clinton cannot remove trees or debris from private property.
Clinton city debris removal crews will be working in areas on the same day as regular solid waste pickup days. Calendar parking on the odd house number side of the street continues.