CLINTON – Last month ended as the 6th warmest June in Clinton weather records according to local weather observer Jim Blaess. He says the overall temperature was 75.3 degrees. Blaess says that is 4 degrees above the normal (71.3).
There were six days with 90 or above temperatures which Blaess says compares to the normal of four days.
The highest temperature Blaess recorded was 92 on June 17 and the lowest was 49 on the 22nd.
Blaess says the precipitation for June was 3.32 inches which is 1.28 inches below the normal.
For the first six months of the year, Blaess says the precipitation is 15.09 inches. Blaess says that’s about 1.8 inches below the normal.
For July, Blaess says the average high on the first is 85 and low is 64 and those change little thru the month. Precipitation in July averages 3.06 inches.
Blaess added that onE change is the amount of daylight drops about 30 minutes during the month.