The Clinton County Sheriffs Office, in conjunction with the Clinton Police Department, is hosting an
“Active Shooter Incident Management” training course at the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office, from
January 23’^^ through January 27^^. The class is a two day class, which includes Law Enforcement, Fire
and EMS training together on the first day and then integrates school administrators/leaders on the
second day of class. The training is being put on to better prepare Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS and
School Officials to respond to, and work together, through any major incident that may occur within
our schools or within the community in Clinton County. Representatives from every law enforcement
agency, school district and nearly every fire department in Clinton County will be represented during
these four days of training. The training is being taught by the University of Illinois Fire Institute. The
training was made possible by funding from the Clinton County Board of Supervisors, through the use
of American Rescue Plan Act Funding.