Former Salvation Army Store Razed

Over the weekend of May 18/19, 2024, the roof on 405 7th Avenue South, owned by the City, unexpectedly partially collapsed. The building was posted against trespass and secured against unlawful entry, and is a vacant building.

The Building was razed today June 3rd, 2024.

The east-west alley to the south of the structure and the adjacent parking and alley areas to the west and north of the site will be closed to traffic until further notice. Once demolition has completed, the alley will be reopened to traffic.

The City was forced to acquire the building by court order in February 2023 because the prior owners had allowed it to fall in to disrepair.

The City planned to demolish the building during FYE2025.

Any questions should be directed to City Administration at 563-242-2144.

About Paul Dymkowski

Paul has been the Program Director since 1991. You can hear Paul on-air weekdays at 9:30 am as host of Wheel-N-Deal and Saturday Mornings from 6 to 9 am as host of the Paul Dymkowski Show .
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