Vince Jetter Community Center receives $10,000 Sports for Life grant

The Women’s Sports Foundation Sports 4 Life program is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. This national initiative – co-founded by WSF and ESPN in 2014 and supported by Gatorade – utilizes the power of sport to build a solid foundation for Black, African-American, Hispanic and Native American girls to thrive on and off the field of play.

As Rachel Jetter, President of the Vince Jetter Community Center and great-niece of Vince Jetter stated, “We are grateful for this Sports 4 Life grant, which provides us opportunities to develop sports and dance programs to help girls build resilience, bring healing, manifest in healthy choices and build respect, commitment, leadership, and accountability skills. When girls are involved in structured sports and dance, they do better academically, learn teamwork, gain health benefits, learn skills, are more physically active, boost their self esteem, and reduce stress, anxiety and pressures they may be experiencing in school and at home. We are a safe, nurturing space where girls have the opportunity to learn self care, communication and life coping skills in a supportive, positive environment from understanding guides where they may grow and thrive. We have goals, dreams and aspirations of providing the light for a brighter community in Clinton. This partnership will serve as a tremendous resource for us to reach our goals.”

The Vince Jetter Community Center has a special commitment to inspiring positive neighborhood solutions. By empowering individuals, families and groups, and changing lives, the community center strives to make Clinton a better place by creating a safe, nonviolent, nurturing place for Clinton’s youth and their families to grow. With a vision of promoting equality, equity and diversity for all, the Vince Jetter Community Center board is committed to respecting differences, acknowledging individuality and amplifying all voices. A culture of inclusivity empowers individuals at every level to enrich communities, one family at a time.

For more information on the Vince Jetter Community Center, please visit the center’s Facebook page, Vince Jetter Community Center, or website,

About Paul Dymkowski

Paul has been the Program Director since 1991. You can hear Paul on-air weekdays at 9:30 am as host of Wheel-N-Deal and Saturday Mornings from 6 to 9 am as host of the Paul Dymkowski Show .
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