CCC Art Exhibit featuring student artwork

CLINTON, IA – The Clinton Community College Library Art Gallery is currently showcasing the talents of students enrolled in art class. CCC, one of the Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, offers a variety of art classes. This exhibit titled Serenity is a Place of Only a Dystopian Mind features various mediums including collage, watercolor paint, acrylic paint, and ink. The CCC Library Art Gallery is located at 1000 Lincoln Blvd., Clinton, Iowa. The exhibit is open for public viewing during regular hours – Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. The college is closed Saturday and Sunday.

Serenity is a Place of Only a Dystopian Mind is comprised of artwork created by 2-D Design students: Elena Brisch, Blake Clarkson, Amelia House, and Madison Marburger. Under the direction of Art Instructor Nicole Davis, the students explored 2-D design concepts and applied their newfound knowledge to the creation of original artworks.

EICC Art Instructor Nicole Davis commented, “I am proud of the 2-D Design students and their accomplishments. Throughout the semester they were curious and experimental in their approach to artmaking. They really pushed themselves to create their best work and have put together a beautiful exhibit.” The student pieces are very unique, using a variety of techniques. CCC President Dr. Brian Kelly shared, “This amazing exhibit illustrates the creativity and mastery our students possess. I am excited to have their work on display in our gallery and share their talent with our community.”

Serenity is a Place of Only a Dystopian Mind

Image List

1. Madison Marburger, Forest Ocean, ink on bristol.

2. Madison Marburger, Flowers in Bloom, Collage on paper.

3. Amelia House, Bleary and Bloodshot, Collage on paper.

4. Madison Marburger, A Pink Sunset, Watercolor and colored pencil on bristol.

5. Amelia House, Fallacy Falls, NV, Ink on bristol.

6. Blake Clarkson, Dark and Light, Collage on bristol.

7. Madison Marburger, Hidden Seas, Pen on paper.

8. Amelia House, Odin’s Eyes Are Watering, India ink on bristol.

9. Elena Brisch, Kerr Black Hole, collage on bristol.

10. Blake Clarkson, Warmth, Watercolor on paper.

11. Blake Clarkson, Mirror Dimension, Ink on bristol.

12. Amelia House, Cancel Your Free Subscriptions, Collage on envelope.

13. Blake Clarkson, Corruption, Collage on paper

14. Elena Brisch, Falling Through, ink and graphite on bristol.

15. Elena Brisch, Flowery Prose, acrylic on bristol.

16. Elena Brisch, Chaos Hurricane, India ink on bristol.

An Artist Reception will be held on Tuesday, April 1 from 4 – 6 p.m. in the CCC Library Art Gallery, 1000 Lincoln Blvd., Clinton, IA. For more information about CCC programs, contact the college at 563-244-7001.


Student Artwork by Elena Brisch, Kerr Black Hole, collage on bristol

About Paul Dymkowski

Paul has been the Program Director since 1991. You can hear Paul on-air weekdays at 9:30 am as host of Wheel-N-Deal and Saturday Mornings from 6 to 9 am as host of the Paul Dymkowski Show .
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