While the July precipitation was above normal the last significant rain was measured on July 9th. Clinton area official weather…
June was below normal for the overall temperature and precipitation
Clinton official weather observer Jim Blaess says the overall temperature of 69.4 degrees. The overall temperature was below the normal…
April 2019 makes top ten for precipitation
Last month will be in the Clinton weather records as the 10th wettest April in records to 1879. Clinton Official…
March continued a colder than usual trend.
March 2018 finished 5.3 degrees below the normal temperature. Clinton area weather observer Jim Blaess says the overall temperature for…
Daily record broken and ties the all time record low
The low temperature for January 31st broke the record for the date and tied the record for the coldest temperature…
Weather update & what is the chance of a record low this week
The overnight precipitation in the Clinton area total about one-third of an inch according to Clinton area weather observer Jim…
August below normal for rain and normal for temps
It was a dry start for August with some rain in the last couple of weeks and temperatures finished about…